A Gender Transformative Framework for Nutrition
The Gender-Transformative Framework for Nutrition is a Canadian-led, evidence-based conceptual model that expands the potential of nutrition programs to tackle gender inequalities. The Framework leverages existing literature and theoretical frameworks by applying systems thinking to critically examine the multi-sectoral drivers of malnutrition, while placing empowerment and gender equality at its centre.
Executive Summary:
A Gender Transformative Framework for Nutrition
The Gender-Transformative Framework for Nutrition is a Canadian-led, evidence-based conceptual model that expands the potential of nutrition programs to tackle gender inequalities. The Framework leverages existing literature and theoretical frameworks by applying systems thinking to critically examine the multi-sectoral drivers of malnutrition, while placing empowerment and gender equality at its centre.
A Nutrition Crisis in a
Warming World
The role of climate change as a threat multiplier risks exacerbating inequalities and undoing decades of progress for women and girls, especially in the areas of food security, nutrition, and gender equality. In this rapidly warming climate, hunger and malnutrition are predicted to rise 20% by 2050. Of those suffering from acute food insecurity, 60% are women and girls, highlighting the inequitable burden of malnutrition and food insecurity.